Posts by Telmari 11
Just a simple question really - how many hours would you spend on Internet Marketing (actually doing work like writing articles, setting up websites, blogging, linking, producing videos, marketing, etc) per day?And also, how successful would you say you are at generating the income or other results you're looking for?I'm curious to find out if there's any threshold at which many people find success more quickly and easily. I'm considering whether or not to put more energy and eff
Lookin' at my Google Analytics just now for one of my sites, I noticed what seemed to be somewhat of a high bounce rate (to me).(If you're not familiar with the term 'bounce rate' - it's simply a measure of what % of your visitors leave your site immediately after viewing only one page. Generally, a low bounce rate is good because it means your content is 'sticky' and has value for your visitor such that they wanted to stay on your site longer & view more pages).Howev
I ran across this the other day online looking for copywriting tips for my physical product site, and thought it was helpful enough I'd share it here as well.The article is by Peep Laja over at ConversionXL, and while I don't agree necessarily with everything he has to say, he does have some compelling points on how ecommerce, marketing, conversion, and persuasion work.He has a lot of cut & dry points to the article, which can be used to make your website presentation and copy much more
June 23, 2012
Here in Seattle, summer still hasn't started - this morning we were treated to a torrential downpour with extremely gusty winds. Felt more like November than June!But while watching the trees, it reminded me a bit of internet marketing, and all the chaos that's been going on lately around all the Google updates, and just general industry progression.I think there's a lot of folks that are feeling discouraged either because they haven't seen success yet, or have seen success in th
1 comment
Just a quick note of success here from my Street Article efforts, and I'm pleased to say, this stuff really works. By "this stuff", I mean the Getting Started training. In fact, done well, I'd venture to say it 'overworks', or that you can actually do better than you might expect or might be led to believe.Case in point. My latest Street Articles article was approved this morning. Although I did Twitter it twice, it's already received 22 views (though compared to the average
So recently I and others looking at one of my physical product affiliate sites noticed that it was really slow just waiting for the server response once a link was clicked.We're talking click link..... wait... wait.... wait up to 5 seconds... then finally the url changes.... and then another 2-3 seconds go by and FINALLY the page loads!There's no way anyone's going to stay on the site long with that sort of thing happening!So I set off to figure out how to speed things up - long stor
So it occurred to me the other day while looking at some of my article view stats that really having success in marketing, like life, depends a lot on two things that no written tutorial or webinar can ever explain really put down on screen: Vision FaithLet me dive into these real quick and give you a quick glance of what I'm talking about.Vision: By vision, I don't mean some sort of broad mission statement, like "I want find success with online marketing" -- I mean something more p
Hey all!Just a quick question for you all! I'm sure many of you are writing some Street Articles just like I am, and was wondering: Where do you find your exclusive-licensed photos for your articles? I've found great stock photos on a number of stock photo websites like iStockPhoto and, but if you read their license, it's a non-exclusive license, not the exclusive license that Street Articles requires, so I'm not able to use photos from those sites.Of course, I can take my
June 11, 2012
So, after a number of years online without any huge (or long-term) success to show for it, I'm finally starting over with a new website and following the WA official "Getting Started" guide... writing articles, doing organic SEO optimization, adding value and content, and doing my best to keep moving, even when the results of my actions aren't clear or don't necessarily generate income.Like many of you, when you're not finding real success from the efforts you put out, it's s
April 20, 2012
So a while back, I decided to get into the physical product affiliate marketing arena. I have nothing against digital products like Clickbank - and in fact that's where a lot of my success has come from so far - but I believe that my passion and interests at this point really are pointing me more towards selling physical products online. I've set up my first affiliate niche web store with products integrated from Datafeedr, and am in the process of getting these products written up w