Bend, but don't break.

Last Update: June 23, 2012
Here in Seattle, summer still hasn't started - this morning we were treated to a torrential downpour with extremely gusty winds. Felt more like November than June!

But while watching the trees, it reminded me a bit of internet marketing, and all the chaos that's been going on lately around all the Google updates, and just general industry progression.

I think there's a lot of folks that are feeling discouraged either because they haven't seen success yet, or have seen success in the past but due to whichever circumstances are no longer being as successful now.

So that's where I think this analogy comes in:

When the winds of change sweep through the internet marketing landscape, bend with the wind, but don't break!

More practically, if you were using tactics or methods or software that were successful but are no longer producing results, or if you've been trying different things but haven't seen success yet, don't give up! All you have to do is outlast the winds of change and difficulty.

Don't be afraid to change course a bit or try different things, so long as your goal is still to add value to your visitor's experience.

Don't worry if all your efforts aren't successful at the moment. If you continue on and don't give up, they will be! 99% of the time people fail at internet marketing is because they gave up too early.

Ultimately, if you have the flexibility and desire to succeed in the industry and 'stay upright' by not letting the winds of difficulty or change blow you over or break you, you're going to outlive the storm and be all the stronger for the next one.

So don't give up! Stay strong, bend with the wind, be flexible to try new things, and soon the storm will subside and the beautiful sunshine of success will beam down upon you!
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ThomasPaul Premium
Nice, encouraging post!