Just shaved 3-5 seconds off my page load time

Last Update: June 15, 2012
So recently I and others looking at one of my physical product affiliate sites noticed that it was really slow just waiting for the server response once a link was clicked.

We're talking click link..... wait... wait.... wait up to 5 seconds... then finally the url changes.... and then another 2-3 seconds go by and FINALLY the page loads!

There's no way anyone's going to stay on the site long with that sort of thing happening!

So I set off to figure out how to speed things up - long story short, it ended up being that the social scripts I was loading (Facebook, Twitter, G+, and Pinterest) were all blocking and taking a lot of time to download, and the way the site is designed, those resources had to all be in place before the page would render.

I decided to try taking them out, and whoa, my page load time went from 3-5 seconds down to about 1-2! Now, that's not to say I might not add them back in at some point, but honestly right now, I don't care too much if people hit the social buttons for the stuff on my site at the moment because a lot of it is just catalog product links that link back to the merchant site.

However, it could just have easily been some other script loading an external resource.

Moral of the story - if it seems like your site is slow, first check it out with http://www.webpagetest.org/ - and then once the test completes, look to see if there's a long green bar for the first resource that loads (in the waterfall view - will make sense once you see it). That's called "Time to First Byte", and if it's really long & slow (like mine was), it may be an indication that you're loading too many external resources/javascripts up front and need to either find a way to load them in a different order, or perhaps not use as many.
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mhamilt Premium
I've found Cloudflare to be very useful in both improving site security and improving speed (since it mirrors your site at data centres around the world). Don't know if you use it, but since it's free, it's worth the time required to set your site up with it :-)
Telmari Premium
Yeah! I actually do use Cloudflare and have found it pretty helpful. Ironically in this case, since the scripts I was using were pretty small but just required 3rd party server responses (Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Twitter) to proceed, Cloudflare didn't actually affect it much. It's nice to have it working along side me!
veronica.l Premium
Very interesting thanks for sharing that link.
Telmari Premium
Sure! Hope it helps!
Apina Premium
Scripts are generally best off loaded last, so in Wordpress that would mean they are located in the footer. Most good themes like Thesis for example will have a section for scripts and they load them last.
Telmari Premium
Definitely. In this case, I had actually just pasted the scripts inline where the buttons needed to show up on the page - which apparently was quite not the right spot to put them!
Carson Premium Plus
Telmari Premium
It's true! I've also noticed (and edited out) additional unnecessary Wordpress/theme SQL query requests as well - some of these can be added by a template and can definitely slow down a page load, especially if the query is large or the database is not well optimized.

There's pretty much 2 things that make a good website:

1. Good content
2. Fast Load

Anything else is detracting from the experience.
mhamilt Premium
Great website, many thanks for sharing. Makes it nice and obvious what's happening! Mark.
Telmari Premium
Thanks! Any time! I'll comment/update here more if I find anything else new that I've discovered slowing down my site.