Boing...Boing... Bounce Rate!

Last Update: July 07, 2012
Lookin' at my Google Analytics just now for one of my sites, I noticed what seemed to be somewhat of a high bounce rate (to me).

(If you're not familiar with the term 'bounce rate' - it's simply a measure of what % of your visitors leave your site immediately after viewing only one page. Generally, a low bounce rate is good because it means your content is 'sticky' and has value for your visitor such that they wanted to stay on your site longer & view more pages).

However, I know bounce rates can really vary so that what seems 'good' in one market might be terrible in the next.

So I'm curious what you think!

What's your bounce rate (if you know it) for one of your sites?

Are you selling digital or physical goods?

Do you think it's a good or a bad bounce rate, all things considered, for your site & market?
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Shawn Martin Premium
I use Histats and mine also vary, the highest peak is 80% but most are 50% or below. I do have an average of 4.5 page views per visit .
Telmari Premium
Hey Shawn, great to know. 4.5 Pageviews is pretty decent! What's your conversion rate, if you don't mind me asking out of curiosity?
Shawn Martin Premium
terrible, the content was good but the pages were not set up right for sales, I have been on this all weekend, they hopefully will start converting now.
Telmari Premium
Ah. Well if you have good content, and good audience engagement (pageviews), it sounds like good sales are just a bit of copywriting and design away. Here's to some sales by tomorrow!
georgejhaas Premium
Telmari, I also view my Google Analytics and have bounce rates that vary from 75% down to 20%. I remember being part of Jay's WAbinars and I asked him the question what would be a good bounce rate to shoot for? He answered anything under 75% is good. If above, you will need to review the page and find the area where the visitor reads to before they clickout. The Analytics also provide the time spent on the site. If you discover any of your pages with rates above 75%, then find out the time the visitor stays and time your self to find the area where they leave. Then fix it. Provide better content, or if a link is broke etc. I hope this helps. It helped me. Every week review your sites bounce rate and the time to see if you are improving. I have noticed that my times and bounce rates have improved. Good luck.
Telmari Premium
Thanks George - This is some good info. My overall time on site is looking pretty good - and since I have a lot of physical retail products, I'm guessing a lot of my bounces are people just looking for a cheaper price or a different variation and not finding it. So altogether, I guess things are all right for the time being - but I like your idea of self-testing the specific pages to find out where the bottlenecks might be.