Doin' DatafeedR

Last Update: April 20, 2012

So a while back, I decided to get into the physical product affiliate marketing arena. I have nothing against digital products like Clickbank - and in fact that's where a lot of my success has come from so far - but I believe that my passion and interests at this point really are pointing me more towards selling physical products online.

I've set up my first affiliate niche web store with products integrated from Datafeedr, and am in the process of getting these products written up with good unique, SEO-friendly content. I haven't done a lot in the way of off-page SEO with article marketing and link building, but I'm definitely going to get to that soon. 

This road is definitely a slower one so far - been learning and building my webstore for several months now and am still working to see my first sale - whereas on Clickbank I'd make a site, hook it up to Adwords, and see profit the next day... but I'm still 100% convinced that this is where I'm going to be able to help the most people find what they're looking for in the long run, and ultimately reap the reward for that in the end.

Soo.... with that said, anyone else out there having success with affiliate web stores, with or without Datafeedr?

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rocktivity Premium
How funny that I should read this today. After my first year at WA, I, too, decided that it was time to let go of Clickbank's apron strings and add physical products to my affiiliate marketing "portfolio." Progress has been slow but steady, but it's beginning to pick up -- yesterday I sold my first guitar! And I've been thinking about opening a Web store myself...
Telmari Premium
Wow, very nice work on your guitar sale! How cool about getting into physical marketing as well - if for no other reason, it's great to have the diversity of income. Would love to hear more about your success - and definitely let me know if you store is successful - I'd love to see how it's done right!