Question: How much time do you spend on Internet Marketing per day?

Last Update: July 07, 2012
Just a simple question really - how many hours would you spend on Internet Marketing (actually doing work like writing articles, setting up websites, blogging, linking, producing videos, marketing, etc) per day?

And also, how successful would you say you are at generating the income or other results you're looking for?

I'm curious to find out if there's any threshold at which many people find success more quickly and easily. I'm considering whether or not to put more energy and efforts into marketing into my schedule, or whether doing so might not produce significantly more success.

Finally, if you could spend just another 30 minutes on one thing related to internet marketing per day, what would it be - and why?

Thanks in advance for obliging me with your answers - I'm both curious - and want to learn!

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georgejhaas Premium
Hi T, Since I am retired, I can spend a full working day on my websites. My wife and I primarily are selling products on our sites via Amazon Affiliate. We earn commissions usually every other day. Today for example, our sites had six sales grossing over $886. We earn 6% of this as a commission. Our commissions will vary each day. Part of my day is keyword research, product research, reading customer reviews for the products I want to promote and writing articles. For example, I just bought a new domain and am working on finding products that fit this niche. It really does not matter how much time you spend per day. However, the that you do spend make it quality time. Consider putting some goals you want to accomplish for the week. Try to place the approximate times that each task will take you. Cross off the ones that you complete. In this way, you can see some accomplishment. Good luck on becoming a successful online marketer. George
Telmari Premium
Hey George, great advice! It sounds like you're on the right track to success and that you have your day structure pretty well with the variety of essential activities. I think that's the most difficult thing for me - I know I need to do everything, so I'm constantly jumping around between it all, wanting to get it all done but getting distracted by the next thing that needs doing :P I do have my goals written down at a high level but I think I need to work more on getting them actually divided out on a day-by-day basis. Thanks for your tips, and great work on your sales so far!
Amy Farr Premium
I've been averaging 2-3 hours/day. But that also entails watching and reading tutorials to wrap my head around all the info. No money yet, my site is too generic with only some amazon and e-links.
I have a vision for success and know I will achieve it. The journey is the exciting part! Another 30 minutes a day? I would study my audience, the consumers I am catering to. To be in their heads 30 minutes a day would greatly help my campaign!
Yestreday I had the priviledge of sitting down with a couple, who are my target audience. We just met (it was an anniversary party). They began discussing things that I actually had linked to on my site, items I knew they were interested in. It was exciting as I sat there thinking "Holy cow I actually may be have the right idea!" They also gave me great ideas for other articles and items to promote!
So I would say spend that 30 minutes on what your consumer wants from YOU.
Telmari Premium
Wow, this is awesome! Another 30 minutes to get inside your market's head would probably be worth hours spent trying to guess about it from looking at keywords searches and analytics! What a great moment sitting down with that couple - it sounds like a total breakthrough moment - and the perfect incentive/motivation for your vision. I'm definitely excited to continue to hear about your success in this area!
@RICH. Premium
I'm not much use on this one, Joshua, as a noob I'm spending 2-3 hours-a-day, 5-6 days-a-week. I'll let you know when I hit the first sale and then how much time I then have to spend keeping the bandwagon rolling. I'm guessing there are huge number of variables, ie. my experimental site is totally generic so with that I'm aiming for a tiny percentage of the total market volume which will probably require constant work to keep it ranking. However, if my site had been about say milking snakes for their venom, I might have ended up with a small but incredibly loyal following who click-through and purchase everything that I recommend so with that site it's possible that I could get away with a post-a-month, etc. etc. OK, enough of my ramblings!
Telmari Premium
Haha, fair enough! 10-18 hours a week sure sounds decent enough to me! And now that you mention it, why NOT start a site about snake venom? :P I bet you wouldn't have much competition! :P
BIS Premium

I'd be surprised if you get many satisfactory answers here or at least ones that can help you - simply because its like asking "How long is a piece of string?"

There is no particular threshold because there is no formula or special secret to making money online. (even though some people would try and convince us there is). The point at which you are successful will be entirely different for each individual and there are too many variables to mention which might have an impact.

If I had 30 minutes per day extra I would want to spend it learning more about the technical issues that can go wrong with a website - in reality I would probably write, simply because I prefer that.

Best wishes

Shawn Martin Premium
I would add that it really is how fast you learn and who you ask for help where you are weak. I would spend my extra 30 minutes myself on content quality and better pitch on my pages, which is where I am weak. I am blessed with being able to do this full time, so I spend many hours at present.
Telmari Premium
Hi Beverley,

Yeah, that's a good point - there isn't a magic answer. And it really does depend on how well you use your time I suppose. It's neat to hear that you would spend the time writing! That sounds pretty profitable - for me, I'd be more inclined to try to spruce up the look & feel of my sites & see if I could get them converting better or trying out an A/B test to see - I'm more on the technical side of things - maybe some day I can catch your 'writing bug' :)

Telmari Premium
Shawn, that's super cool. I wish I could work on this full-time - I feel like I'd need maybe a few months to get up and running and really making the same income I do at my regular job, but after that I have no doubt I'd be able to make some serious income. How long have you been doing this full-time?
Shawn Martin Premium
About 3.5 months