Where do you find your photos?

Last Update: June 12, 2012
Hey all!

Just a quick question for you all! I'm sure many of you are writing some Street Articles just like I am, and was wondering: Where do you find your exclusive-licensed photos for your articles?

I've found great stock photos on a number of stock photo websites like iStockPhoto and sxc.hu, but if you read their license, it's a non-exclusive license, not the exclusive license that Street Articles requires, so I'm not able to use photos from those sites.

Of course, I can take my own photos, if I happen to have access to the subject matter I'm trying to take a picture of, but sometimes I don't, so that's not always an option.

So how do you all get your exclusive license photos for your Street Articles? I'd love to know!
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jatdebeaune Premium
sxc.hu sometimes asks you to notify the owner of the photo (they supply the email address). I imagine it's out of courtesy, or to ask permission to use the photo. I've written and never get a reply, sometimes I just go ahead and use the photo for an article. When it comes to my website, I just purchase from iStock. So far, it's been fine.
Have you ever tried DotGov Watch Photo Search? I wanted to give
you the link here, but it won't let me. If you're interested I can PM it to you. You can search thousands of images in public domain and they've been released by the US government.

I'll try again www.dotgovwatch.com/?/atchives/8-The Best-Copyright-Free-Photo-Libraries.html
veronica.l Premium
DotGov Watch Photo Search this is a good one, did not know about it, thanks :)
Telmari Premium
Wow, fabulous. I'll definitely keep this one in mind. Good to note about sxc.hu - I'll look out for those notify courtesies.
@RICH. Premium
You're welcome, Telmari. If you want an overview and what the icons mean, take a look here: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Rich.
Telmari Premium
Good call... will definitely check it out & refresh my knowledge.
@RICH. Premium
Flickr is a free source for non-commercial purposes as long as you're happy to include an attribution. Click on the advanced search and tick the box for "Only search within Creative Commons-licensed content". Rich.
Telmari Premium
Wow, awesome. That's great to know. I guess I'm always a little worried about misinterpreting licensing on these things - it's great to have that clarification. Thanks again!
ThomasPaul Premium
If you're unsure you can always email the website and ask them about it. Tell them how you plan on using the graphic and whether or not that falls in line with the licensing terms.
Telmari Premium
That's a good point - I actually tried this with Street Articles, to see whether using stock photos that I have rights/a license to were valid, but I haven't heard back from them quite yet. But otherwise, yeah - I have actually been successful at this with affiliate merchants - asking them if I can use some of their additional photos to better promote products on my site, and gotten good response that way.
BIS Premium
You can use images in Street articles both from iStockphoto and sxc hu. You can find more places to get images if you go to the training area and search images for your websites. I created a tutorial a few weeks back and if you also look at the other comments you will see other places suggested by members. All those mentioned can be used for Street Articles

Best wishes

Telmari Premium
Thanks Beverley! Great points - I didn't consider all those extra sources - that will definitely make finding good images a lot easier! Super helpful! :)
ThomasPaul Premium
Some of them I'll take myself. Others I have just used iStockphoto.

I think street articles just wants the articles to be exclusive content. The images you just need to have the rights/license to.
Telmari Premium
Thanks Thomas! Hmm, that's good to know. My articles definitely are exclusive, hand-written content... so hopefully using licensed photos, even if they're not exclusive is good enough for SA.