Back in the loop!

Last Update: March 29, 2010

So, it looks like I was wrong. I was all up for getting back in the game again, and somehow got derailed from the whole internet marketing front.

 And so, yet again, it's been the longest yet since I've updated this blog - I've been so busy with life and everything else that life has been crazy - I've gotten married, moved a number of times and am going to again here in a few months, and learned so much!

 I've kind of taken a hiatus from marketing online for a while - life's just been that busy. But marketing has never really disappeared from my head!

So now I'm back in it to really make some progress. I've had some time to reflect on my past success and failures in marketing, and am excited to strike out yet again on a new front with solid plans to bring value to people and do my best to help connect others with the solutions to solve their needs and wants!

 Look for me in the forums and all around WA. I'm ready to jump in again, get some things done, and have fun!

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Not2Late Premium
Welcome back. Sounds like you have lots to "donate" to our learning:)