Posts by Tport144 35
July 14, 2010
It's been 2 months today since I signed up to WA.  I've learned so much in this short period of time!  I've been busy learning and busy taking action.  I haven't had any sales yet, but I know it will happen soon.  Every article I write is better than the last.  I'm learning about creating backlinks and this will help drive traffic to my articles and websites as I get better at it.  Even though I haven't made any money yet, I count thes
July 03, 2010
I've been spending my extra time (the little I have)  writing articles, building landing pages, etc.  I have 3 articles on, 7 articles on and 1 on  I'm not really getting much traffic to my articles, mostly because I'm still learning how to use Keywords properly, but I'm getting better.   I have 2 blogs (1 with and one with the WA Funnel) but they don't really get any traffic.  I have used Freetraf
June 14, 2010
When I signed up for WA I told myself I would only try it out for a month or two and if I didn't make any money I would cancel my membership.  I had no idea what I was getting for the low price, but I continue to be amazed by all of the info, tools, etc. here.  I haven't made any money yet, but I have been working on my website, have had 2 articles published on EzineArticles, and I have 2 Squidoo lenses.  I am planning on
I submitted my first article to Ezine and it was accepted today!  The email also said my article would be sent to the RSS feed!  I know this is probably just a canned response, but it really made my week.  Now I'm ready to submit more.  This really helped with my confidence.  I searched for my keywords on Google and my article came up on page 4.   Now I know these techniques really work!
I've started the training but I have to wait 2 days for the next lesson...  I'm using the time to browse through the Training Center.  I'm ready do something but I'm not sure where to start.  I guess I'm just too excited about taking this on to wait for the lessons....  Or maybe I've just had too much coffee!