Posts by Tport144 35
I've been with WA for a year now, and I've always had trouble writing articles.  It has taken me up to 2 frustrating hours to write and I procrastinated and avoided it even though I know I need to write them.  I recently signed up for the Success in 30 Days Club, and in one of the tutorial emails, there were instructions on an easy way to write an article. Introduction Idea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3 You get the point. Since I started using this s
I have been struggling to write articles, maybe more from laziness than anything else.  I read Kyle's blog about the 30 in 30 Challenge and decided to register.  I guess I just needed some extra motivation and the word "Challenge" to spur me on!  I just wrote and submitted an article in less than 30 minutes!  This is an amazing accomplishment for me, since it usually takes me an hour or so of struggling to write an article! Th
April 30, 2011
I've been struggling with editing my webpages on a couple of my WordPress websites.  I use the visual editor and the HTML editor, but was finding that a lot of my affiliate links were being stripped out when I switched from one to the other.  On the verge of dumping WordPress and going back to Dreamweaver to build my websites, I turned to the Forums and stumbled upon a post by Welshy giving advice to another WA member who was having the same problem.  The solut
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I've had a very long and stressful week at my "day job", so please forgive me if I'm rambling on.... I decided to rewrite a few of my older articles to publish with Street Articles.  First thing I found out is that SA is REALLY strict about duplicate content.  I though I had changed the article enough from the original version, but SA found too many similarities with my original article and actually gave me the link to it in the explanation for w
I just published my first article with Street Articles and in less than 12 hours it is #6 on Google!  My article was rejected the first time I submitted it, but the explanation and help messages have a very personal feel, almost as if there is someone chatting with you while you are working.  It was easy to fix my mistake and resubmit.  Street Articles is a little different, but I like it :)
April 07, 2011
I had to let out my frustration somehow, so I decided to put it in a blog post!  I just spent an hour revising a page on one of my WordPress blogs, adding custom buttons, photos, etc.  I view the page, looks ok, go back to tweak a couple of things and the formating on the whole page is messed up.  Sooooo frustrated right now! *inhales deeply* Guess it's time to call it a day and use the autosave feature when I don't feel like feeding my computer to my dogs!  
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I have been with WA for several months and have only made one sale, unless you count $0.02 from Google Adsense (LOL!).  I am promoting WA and every time I think I'm doing things right, I seem to hit another dead end.  I am going through really tough times in my life right now (who isn't) and I'm really feeling beat down.  I have been thinking about giving up on IM.  Last night I was reading my son's personal statement (he's writing it up for college appli
I had to take a break from trying to catch up on my tasks for the WA Article Club and share some of the things I've been working on these past few weeks.  I feel like I'm just spinning my wheels and maybe putting this on my blog will help me focus again. In August I began helping a few of the other Redwings Horse Sanctuary Board members with organizing and building the Redwings Horse Sanctuary's Haunted Barn, a haunted house fundraiser we run every year.  This&
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September 20, 2010
My employer recently sent a group of managers to a condensed Drucker Workshop to learn how to work better with upper management.  At the end of the two day workshop, we were supposed to describe how we saw our “Cathedral” and how we would go about building it.  Instead of seeing where I fit in the future of the company and how I will go about my “stonecutting”, I envisioned my own personal “Cathedral” and it has nothing to do with my employer.  My vision has given me
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August 25, 2010
I've been working on Affiliate Marketing  in my spare time and I got my first sale!  I'm still spinning and having trouble believing it's real!  Now that I know this really works I am going to put even more effort into my marketing campaigns!  Thank you to all of the members for your help and encouragment! Good luck to all of you.  If you haven't made that first sale yet, keep learning and taking action!  It will happen!