Posts by Moonvine 47
June 22, 2010
Our guest today on Giant Squid Open Mike on Blog Talk Radio was lensmaster Quesea, the creator of the Spotted Squids Group. All of us want to be spotted.  We want people to see our work, to visit with us on twitter and facebook, to be a part of our community. How do you become a Spotted Squid?  Simply go to  Spotted Squids and How to Be One You can add your lensmaster profile, your blog, your zazzle store, your Etsy store and also join the Spotted Squids on facebook, where you c
What a day!!  I just received my 9th Purple Star at Squidoo !!   The star was awarded for a book review, Time is a River The purple star program awards Giant Squids for especially good lenses.  Similar to an angel blessing, a purple star gives you a little temporary boost in lensrank. If you would like to visit some of the purple stars, just type "purple star" in the search box at Squidoo.  You will see a long list of lenses about purple stars and lenses who
June 21, 2010
I just experienced a little miracle and I want to make record of it here so I don't forget! In 2008, I created a little workbook I called the Ten by Ten - Ten Things I want to accomplish by 2010.  The workbook is a freebie I was using to build my list (which is a waste cause I don't know how to use that list well at all!)    Of course, I used the book myself.  And was pretty devout about it for over a year, and then got slack.  This morning I decided to pull out my Imagi
June 21, 2010
This morning I have been watching a family of cardinals eat on our deck.  As I watched, I remembered a very timely story, and decided to share it with you -- just in case you need to hear it today. Years ago, my husband raised racing homers -- that's right, he raised pigeons and he raced them in a pigeon club.   The members would set their timers/traps and take the birds 200-300 miles away and then wait for them to return to the coop, removing the numbered racing band from their leg as
June 20, 2010
After being marked "duplicate copy" yesterday on my new hub, I went to the hubpages forum and was told that the duplicate copy notice might go awayin a few days.  so I am hopeful that they check those things by hand.  but I won't be doing any more book reviews over there.  Since my goal for the summer is 50 hubs, they will have to be about other subjects. And today my list of things to accomplish next week is too long.  I have not been so excited about IM in over a
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As I have said before, I am learning hubpages this summer.   Today I did a little quick review of a book I bought for my sister's birthday.  I thought it was funny and would be simple to do.  No biggie really.  Not much $$ involved. just trying to build up my hubs. Well, I used a few quotes from the book -- just to show the humor.  Hub says it has too much duplicate content.   Now I know from experience that this information could have been on Squidoo with no
June 19, 2010
This morning I re-read PotPieGirl's Mind Eraser -- and my head is spinning with ideas and things I can actually do.  And do this week! Last night I started on Mary Alice Monroe's Sweetgrass - looks like it is going to be a great story about a family who loves their land on the coast of South Carolina. So this morning, as I made my list of 5 things to be thankful for -- as I do each day-- I realized the importance of books in my life.  I seem to keep 3 or 4 going all the time.  I d
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Yep!  I love the forum and I love meeting everybody and I am slowly learning and applying new things, but my favorite part of WA is me! Selfish?  Maybe!  My goals have changed, my outlook has changed, my belief in myself has changed, my belief in honorable internet marketing has changed -- and I am so thankful.   I have to laugh at me as I rush to computer first thing in the morning and click on Wealthy Affiliate!   I feel like I have found a new home base here and I am
Just a quick note to tell you about a site you will want to see.  This one is by  BDKZ who is one of the Squidoo Organizers.   The lens was written for people who want to become Giant Squids, but the ten sites that she lists are good for every lensmaster -- so whether or not you are interested in Giant Squidom, do take a few minutes to read this one. 10 Tools and Challenges to Help You Become A Giant Squid
I am sure you already know to add a guest book to your lens.  Be sure to change the module title to something that relates to your lens.  It's encouraging and fun to read comments from other lensmasters.  Note: you can remove any comments that you do not like.   Have you tried the Text with Big Picture?  This one looks great especially if you have a very detailed product or photograph you'd like to show off. If you are creating a lens about your town, or a vacation, you