Posts by Moonvine 47
If you are new at Squidoo, you might not know about the Lens HealthCheck Tool.   The Health Check tool is available from your Edit format in Squidoo.  Just click to edit your lens, and scroll down in the right hand column.  Click Health Check.  The Lenschecker will check your title, your photograph, your intro module, traffic stats and tell you exactly what is wrong and how to fix it. Oh, and if your traffic is low, the Healthchecker will send you to a wonderful tool c
I am so excited!  My dear friend on Squidoo, Chef Keem, will be on the Food Network tonight.  from this email, here is the info if you watch those Food Channels --   7:30 p.m. CST, the Food Network airs an episode called "Classic Twists", of their new show "Kid in a Candy Store". I demonstrate how to make chocolate-dipped bacon and "Elvis Killer Bark". We had a blast shooting this at the wonderful Big Top Candy Shop in Austin, Texas. I hope they did
July 18, 2010
We always have fun with our blog talk radio shows and you are invited!   Stop in and say hello!  Visit in the chat room, or call in and participate. Would you like to be a special guest?  Send me a note.  Tell me about you.  If your profile fits our subject matter and goals for the show, you just might be one of our next guests! Giant Squid Open Mike - All about Squidoo techniques, strategies and getting to know folks at Squidoo.  Tomorrow our guest is lensmaster, B
July 18, 2010
Well, I did it!  I managed to get myself totally overwhelmed one more time!   Will I ever learn to take it slow?   I am in such a hurry!   I just realized that in the past week I have printed 3 new ebooks to read and study.  These are freebies, but still.............. ...A waste of time if they take away from my basic training and plan of action for the month. So I am regrouping, recommitting to my plan of action -- and will study the things I am schedu
Today is catch up day for me!  Saturday is the day I do all the week's work that did not get done during the week!  I have daily check off list, a weekly check off list, project lists,  -- and now must look at what I did not get done this week -- and the list is too long. Having a game plan does help me, but I think maybe I need to evaluate my time and expectations.  But again, this has been a week of unusual events -- a friend who was widowed suddenly, auto repair, haircut&n
July 12, 2010
One of my favorite things to read every day is Kimberly's Morning Coffee at SquidU.  Kimberly is a Squidoo staffperson, and keeps everybody up to date and motivated.   This week she is asking for our most personal lenses.  Here is the one I submitted  A Lifetime of Favorite Music These are not usually money-makers, but as you already know, my work is not always money-motivated.  Sometimes I just simply have something to say -- and from my senior perspective, I hop
July 11, 2010
It is my distinct honor to work with a talented group of women on 4 blogs.  There are 5 of us who post regularly once a week on each blog.  Think about that.  Each blog receives 5 posts every week.   We are moving up in the rankings at Google and becoming more efficient and productive as we move along. One of the best parts of this project is that we are not upset if someone misses a week, we don't push each other or insist or control.  We just all do the best we ca
July 10, 2010
Squidoo Step by Step has been revised.    This is a free guidebook (direct download - you do not even leave your email) created by Squidoo lensmasters.  At the back of the book, there is an invitation to join Professional Squids (also free).  I encourage you strongly to read the book and join Professional Squids.  Get to know other folks at Squidoo and learn from them.   (As you know, I am a huge fan of Potpiegirl here at WA -- in fact, I followed her here.&nbs
July 08, 2010
Can you imagine 20,905 visitors to your Squidoo lenses?   Lensmaster Katinka shares her traffic statistics and her income stats straight from her Squidoo dashboard at She also provides super lenses to visit to learn how to do what she is doing.  We all need to learn from these Squidoo experts and she is one of the best! Also, I was reminded this morning of A Squid Is Born  - This lens is being featured at Squidoo Marketing today
Okay.  I have had enough.  Putting my foot down! No more will I promote a product that pays me less than $20 commission.  Why have I wasted so much time? 10 sales at $1 or $2 or even less commission -- brings me $20. 10 sales at $25 commission  brings me $250. Duh!! Hours and hours and hours later, the lightbulb works! I sold a TV yesterday via a Squidoo lens.  Made $6.  I do try to use my own affiliate link half the time and the Squidoo module half the time.