Posts by Relaxing_piano 14
August 13, 2011
Hopefully you don't see this as part of an internet marketing concept because it really is not designed for self promotion.  This is just one of those fun things that is needed more in this world.   The "Give A Smiley Project" was something I created just to pass a smile on to other people.  So often in our world, we encounter people who have had a rough time, going through difficult circumstances or are just plain grumpy.  My hope is that this project will give peo
August 11, 2011
I have a blog that I have been running since 2007 and I have a very sincere purpose for what I write on this blog.  It is not a spam tool or one that I just don't care what is posted on it.  It has a purpose and I am beginning to see that unfold.  The purpose is one to help the world. Anyway, today I had a comment awaiting moderation on the blog.  As I read this, it was extremely clear the reader really didn't read and engage in what the blog post was about.  Lo and beho
August 08, 2011
I see the first website that I'm working with is now showing up in google (I was beginning to wonder if it would) and well, while it isn't number 1, it isn't far from it.  So I'm pleased as punch about that.  My regular daily blog that I write for (since 2006), is seeing increased traffic.  Something happened this month and the hits are increasing.  If the traffic keeps up like it has been in the first week of August, this may be the best month yet on my blog.  I did tr
August 05, 2011
I might be seeing a glimmer of something happening in what I write for my regular blog posts.    History First I've had a blog for several years now that I write on and I feel it is pretty successful.  Traffic is up 4 times from what it was a year ago.  I've earned some affiliate income through it but it hasn't got to the point where I'm really turning and burning.  Of course, an experience I had last November on the Oprah show helped give it a good and lasting bump in