Posts by Phbreez 44
I got that nice email from Carson here at WA today and it says spend 50% of my time DOING. So I decided to go find a cool web site with a cool product and linked to a landing page and product offer. I found one fast....just hunted around by googling. 1.  Found a site to duplicate...actually it is 2.  Great site done by an expert I bet. 3.  Went to Squidoo and went through the easy four step set up. .Squiddo is FREE -  could have used WordPress with WA.
This is a email I got today from Carson and I want to have it here to remind me as a newbie to keep at it and to get it going.  So today I am going to do just the letter...thanks Carson.... Phil   Hey Phil ,   Carson here.  I hope you are having a good day thus far!   Today I want to chat to you about the main components of Internet marketing.  The two items that lead to success...and the two items that people tend to have a tough time wrapping the
June 18, 2010
What The Search Engines REALLY Want One more article from Chris Malta's blog.....quite interesting I here it is....copied straight from Chris's blog.  I actually got an email from him about this subject, so I went to his blog and read it.  He has some very good content for sure.....his company is Drop Ship is another drop ship network. In the dim recesses of internet history (about 5 years ago) the way to get the all-important internet search engines
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I was hunting around for the proper way to Name my business and should it be the same as my URL-Domain names ?   This is copied directly from Chris Malta's blog at World Wide is a Drop Ship company....I don't like drop ship as a beginner...but he has some good stuff on his blog. People starting an Ebiz often get confused when it comes to naming their businesses. If you plan to build a web site, there are actually two names you need to figure out: The name of your bus
2 comments I was hunting around and saw a few sites for sale....seemed like a good idea. So I decided to do some research before spending a few hundred and getting a fast start. Some forum had a little advice.....don't buy till you know for sure it is a really excellent site with all SEO done perfect and everything right.....never.  1.  If that site can make it to atleast the first page of a google search, if not...forget it...whether you make it or buy it. Big waste of time and money
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Here are the top 5 factors ezine publishers look for when deciding which articles to publish: 1. Does the article have zero self-serving links in the article body?   Loading up the body of your article with affiliate   links or other obvious self-serving links is a   liability and will keep your article from ever   seeing top results. 2. Does the article have no more than 2 self-serving links in the resource box?   Your resource box at the bottom of your arti
This is one way I have made a few dollars...not much....making up a little web site. If you have never made a web's is as simple as 1-2-3 now...and it is FREE using   This is a great site maker and looks very professional too. If you got this can do it. HERE'S WHAT YOU DO. Step by Step  Take a look at the one I just did.  It is a resort for sale in Orlando. I worked for the company and we had another hotel for sale an
HERE IS MY NEWBIE NOTES I GATHERED IN THE PAST TWO WEEKS.  PLEASE READ AND COMMENT.  IF YOU CAN MAKE SUGGESTIONS OR EDITS....I WILL VERY MUCH APPRECIATE IT. Started with Broad Keyword Search.  Narrow down to focused niche.  Example might be Pets....Betta Fish Care Search for small monthly searches - around 1 K to 3 K a month Check competition -  find low competition On Yahoo they say up to 100 K is ok ..searches per month Create a keyword list - Get a long tail url..
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I got one of those many emails yesterday and it was from a person that I found to have really good videos in the past so I read it. Glad I did.  This is what they suggest when you get time. There are affiliate programs that are for FREE Games online. It was called Big Game Fish It is a web site that allows people to access many cool games. Then you get paid for directing people to this neat site. This guy  went on and on about  using Recurring affiliate promotions like this and ot
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Travis's 6 Niche Factors that ALL profitable niches have. Here they are: 1. Do they think about this problem/question a lot? 2. What is their emotional temperature? 3. What is the cost for this niche? 4. Do they talk about it a lot? 5. Are others making money from it? 6. What objections would they have? I liked this might too.....take a look if you get time. Best to you.  Phil
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