Posts by Sox1n05 58
December 06, 2009
How many of you have been on a roller coaster?  I know I have.  You feel safe when your riding in a straight line a reasonable speed.  Then you start climbing up and your heart rate starts racing.  Then comes the drop and you think you're going to die!  After the drop you probably do a couple of loops or something.  Your heart is about to blow up!  Then it comes to a stop and your back to normal. How many times have you been on a roller coaster and said that y
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December 03, 2009
Well it finally happened.  I don't know when or how,but it happened.  I got that nice little e-mail from Google Adwords saying that my account has been locked.  Piss on 'em I say! I have no idea why.  All I did was point to what I felt was a nice little landing page on BOWLING!!!!  It wasn't drugs, sex, money.  It was BOWLING for crying out loud! Google has to be one of the most sensitive groups out there!  You're going to lock someone out for "EGREGIOUSLY
December 02, 2009
Well, for me it is! Today I redirected my Ezine links to my new website as well as my Squidoo links.  I'm pretty nervous actually!  Now I guess we'll see how good my content is on my site! It's been a rough two weeks for me mentally.  I was averaging a sale every other day or so, but then a couple of things happened - Google lost my Squidoo lenses My Ezine articles got booted Everything has since gone back to normal, but the sales simply stopped.  The traffic has decreased as
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November 30, 2009
In my last blog post, I said that I lost my position on Google from my Ezine article.  This was a problem because this is where I was getting 75% of my traffic. It was time to start getting some backlinks out there to my articles and that's what I did.  One of my articles came back and the other one is still in limbo.  Not too bad so far. Last night though I was thinking...Why not just create my own site?  I created a crappy WP site a couple of weeks ago on my niche.  In
November 28, 2009
NOT! I was anticipating spending this weekend doing nothing, but that didn't exactly happen.  See something strange happened.  My last sale was 11/18.  Then I realized that I will never be able to take a break! So during my travels over the holiday, I spent the driving time (my wife drove) writing articles.  I wrote eight articles on Weds, took Thurs. off and then a couple of other articles on Friday. Today, I wrote another three articles and updated three blog posts.  I
November 24, 2009
Open Mouth, Insert Foot, Swallow  So my last blog post, I mentioned that I was going to start working on my own product.  Well shortly after that, I realized that I just don't have the resources, including capital, to do that.  In addition, I want it perfect and I really want to help people.  If I started it now, I would be rushing it. See, I want money and I want money now!  I think that this is such a hot niche that I can launch a product and it will be awesome. 
November 23, 2009
After five sales in 4 weeks on a particular product, I came to the realization of something - I have a product that I need to make.  I've been focusing on a super niche and found that there is nothing out there to address it, rather there's just generic information. I have NEVER EVER thought that I would be writing my own e-book and don't know the first thing about doing it.  It's going to be a massive challenge.  I know how to convert something into PDF format, but I have the sli
Google has the ability to drive a man nuts!  Because I'm broke, I've been using free techniques to get going - articles and squidoo in particular. I've been getting good traffic for the last couple of weeks and then it slowed down considerably.  Why?  Because my Squidoo lens was no longer indexed.  Google is starting to give me a complex.  While I've been only creating lenses for a month and half, it seems that I can get them indexed right away and then two days later th
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November 19, 2009
So I have been making a handful of sales on one product and a TON of articles, etc.  The good news is that it some point!  So here is what I've decided to do - When I decided to go after this super niche, I wanted to make sure that I could substitute my original product with another product without having to revamp my entire campaign.  Well, that is what I'm doing.  I am taking out the product that converts 1/100 and replacing it with one THAT HAS YET TO MAKE
November 18, 2009
I've been busting my backside the last couple of days and it is slowly starting to pan out!  First, all of you have been awesome in helping/supporting me.  If I could, I would come out and by everyone a beer!  Stormin, you get the red stuff! So I've been really struggling to find direction.  See when I get involved with anything, it's full-steam ahead.  That is great except when you try and do too much.  I even tell newbie's signing up to stay focused on one thing o