Posts by Bkb2012 143
Hey There WA Buddies! bkb2012 here.  May you find this holiday season bringing you several unexpected gifts.   I call it sychronicity.  It's where the timing of something you've been waiting for appears at just the right time you need iand want it most. In this post, I'm going to tell you just how networking does work by producing one core result: 1)  CORE RESULT -- Work for Real Pay This is where you bring your 1099 federal form with you.  You w
December 09, 2011
Welcome Back WA Buddies! OK.  Welcome to new WA members!  When you're in need of extra cash and the online environment isn't yet producing for you, here are two things you can do now. 1 )  You have been taught to believe that everything successful comes from outside of you. THIS IS THE BIGGEST FALSEHOOD. Here's why. *  First..., no matter what anyone says..., your success sits in the palm of your hands...; *  Transitions take time but in order to earn money most readily,
Hello WA Buddies! I have been hard at work delving into retail/Internet marketing aspects of successful billion dollar retail business in an effort to offer you genuine clarity in your own Internet marketing. The bottom line is this -- *  Whenever you have a web presence, you must have a website people can find, easily read, and follow *  Then you must have a blog to add weight to that website. Content on the blog will be different than content appearing on the website.  Thes
WELCOME BACK NEW & SEASONED WA BUDDIES! Hello everyone.  It's been sometime since I've written a last post.  For that I will ask for your patience.  You could say that I stepped back to reassess overall Internet marketing goals.  This happens periodically, as we see how  Internet marketing applies online and offline.  If you are new to WA, you might have noticed how overwhelming the content is.  Take it all in good stride, and know that you're working on s
WA BUDDIES! Welcome back. Just finished a private message with Kyle here at WA.   To make a long message short, the Internet is in transition. There is much more planned at kindly offer WA your patience. The truth behind your success is that it will take time, repeat effort, persistence, and belief in yourself. Building a business you can be proud of does not happen overnight, regardless of the industry we're talking about.   So keep your readings going here at WA.  Kyle a
Hello WA Buddies! Here's an "acid test" post for you.  Before I begin...let me say that I send each and every one of you personal hugs...(even at the risk of appearing too touchy - feely). If we each had a nickel for every negative post we see, we'd all be wealthy. _________________ The main point of this post is to tell you that you hold all of the answers in the palm of your and now. To create true and lasting success, you won't become a flash in the pan.  You
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Welcome WA Buddies, New & Seasoned! I'm going to show you how to move an affiliate product.  When you are new to Internet marketing, there is a specific campaign order you must follow in order to convert traffic (laser-beam targeted inquiries) into buying customers. Retail stores use this format. Small businesses use this format when they hire Internet marketers (for pay) to set up the e-flow !!! This post aims to help you: 1) Formulate an actionable plan moving you you
Hello WA Buddies! I'll tackle 2 subjects in today's post. First -- Give yourself permission to learn what's involved in Internet marketing. You are learning viable skills the masses don't know.  It will take time, but if something is important to you, then your learning curve has no real time limit. Keep your day job going in the meantime, and don't let anyone tell you that you can't be a success online.   Second -- You sit on the cutting edge of marketing as we know it, today. *
Welcome, Welcome WA Buddies! I'm going to tackle a most popular subject from another angle to help you see that you are already a millionaire (but probably don't know it).  This content represents content multi-millionaires obtain by investing money back into themselves.  This content here has involved $1.5 million of my own personal assets and 26 years of around-the-clock work... unconditionally given to you here and now, without expectations of anything specific in return (this is a
Hello WA Buddies, New & Seasoned Players ! I'm going to step out on a limb to share more masterful content to move you in amazingly, wondrous new directions..if you're not already there.  This content is brought to you with great love and respect...and it is a bit long so pick up your favorite beverage and give me your undivided attention.  I'm about to tell you what millionaires and billionaires do to really turn their lives around in the best of ways.  I'm not talking about