Posts by Bkb2012 143
September 30, 2010
Welcome WA Buddies! New members - may your membership here be profitable! Older members - Marcus asked some of us to post this content for you so here goes.  We're in Day 10 but I've spent time working through content before posting results.   Day 1) Choosing the right domain name. Most of us make the early mistake of getting a domain that showcases Wealthy Affiliate.  Here's the confusing part.  You really don't want to do that even if you're promoting anything at WA. Kyle
September 22, 2010
Hello WA Buddies! When I came online and wanted to know how to help network marketers, I knew one thing.  They were all struggling. Here's some ad copy you can reword for your own website use.  Keep in mind...because network marketers are naturally loyal to their companies, they don't really understand entirely how Internet marketing works until they've had some time to learn and implement all campaign steps. The goal in sharing these tidbits is to show you how you can use humor in yo
Hello WA Buddies! Mondays are the days where I write much of my published content so hang tight with me.  I published 1 post dedicated to you this morning: 1)  Millionaire Minds Think With Numbers, WA Promotions Solid business people don't delve into the unknown without assessing risks first.  In fact, they spell out as much detail as they can ahead-of-time so they can truly know what's needed to make a solid go of things. They look for ways to minimize their risks.  One so
Welcome New Buddies and Seasoned Players, Here is an actual example of a campaign that is working. It is 10 Days to Profit Limitation -- * You start small and build  * You will have days where there are no sales in a campaign * Watch your ppc campaigns daily -- this is something seasoned players will do to avoid overspending adspend 8 Days Of Results There are 8 days included in the tutorial so bug Kyle for the other 2. Avoid cutting/pasting a campaign -- it's called cloning, and it's n
Welcome Back New and Seasoned Buddies! This post is designed to show you the real power of Internet marketing when it is properly learned and mastered. It uses numbers and applies mindset work.  Please set aside 30 minutes to let this content settle. Grab your favorite beverage, don't worry about the disclaimer I post at the end of this article.  It's somewhat heavy but required. Business Planning -- Identify Seasonal Fluctuations for Your Niche Because numbers are not entirely ex
Welcome WA Buddies! I'll never forget my first e-mail message written inside of my A-Weber account.  It was another brick wall ...looking at a blank space.  I just took a stab at it.  As long as I spoke through my heart and shared these things, more would come.   I will tell you how I write my e-mails, I will show you a real one, and I will show you how a strong CTA (Call to Action) works.  When it involves the phone, it acts as a filter to kick out less serious peo
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Hello WA Buddies! Welcome new buddies!  To maximize the use of your membership, bookmark everything to death.  Bug anyone and everyone and pick their brains.  Your success depends on your ability to form strong connections and profound marketing ties lasting a very long time. Welcome to those of you who have  been here for a while.  As with any subject, there's no such thing as a poor question.  There are poor answers so always check your information many times ove
Hey Fellow WA Buddies! Here's the #1 Reason Why You Must Know Your Markets. For example, in network marketing, they move the business opportunity when all most people in the health/wellness company just want greater health.   Click the link below to see what I mean... The Price is Fail! Please feel free to post your comments.  If you like this marketing approach, I'll work to bring you more! Toasting Your Success Online, bkb2012...  
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Hello WA Buddies! Welcome new ones!  I'd like to offer a helpful hint to new folks before moving into this post.  This post talks to folks who have chosen to accelerate their learning by pulling in the WA Blog & Funnel System... but before I do that, allow me to address a few new member concerns.  When you're new, there's a tendency to want Rome built in one night.   Even our fiercest marketing warriors realize this need can never be met by worrying and stressing. So you
September 10, 2010
Guys and Gals, I'm placing this content here to make sure you see this update regarding WA Blog & Funnel Systems: 1) If you formed your blogs on July 8th, you used DNS nameservers NS1 and NS2... 2) If you formed another blog or multiple blogs AFTER July 8th...such as late in July or during early August, your DNS nameservers correspond to the new WA servers...DNS NS3 and NS4 WA hosting.   3)  This is Kyle's forum post, verbatim.  I want you to see this content in several places