Posts by Bkb2012 143
Welcome WA Buddies! Today's post does something differently than prior posts.  If you are promoting WA or even products outside of WA, it doesn't matter.  What you have to master are these 3 things: 1) Communicating with others Whether that's in an e-mail, a salesletter, or a website... 2) Harnessing Technology This part hangs up a lot of Internet marketers but it does not have to.  Think in terms of what is needed to set up your early marketing sales funnel. 3) A Valuable Offer
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Welcome WA Buddies...Guys And Gals! Hello new buddies!  Don't forget to form your blog profile (as invisible as it seems when you're in your first few weeks of membership). My blog posts tackle any subject of Internet marketing you want. Today's post addresses product creation, using Site Rubix !  I give you ways to create your own product so if something is NOT clear, please post your comment and I will expand in future posts. The Ultimate Truth You don't have to be technical to crea
October 12, 2010
Welcome New And Seasoned WA Buddies! Here are 2 notes of thanks: 1) Marcus -- Thank you for all of your hard work and support! 2) New Buddies -- Welcome to WA! I see every one of your pictures and we're pleased you've joined us.  Be sure to work your profiles and blogs because they will look like the top guys/gals blogs do inside of WA. This is where you learn to drive early traffic (attract new people and a following) BEFORE you go outside of WA.  When you get followers, here's wha
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Welcome WA Buddies...Guys & Gals! Welcome New WA Buddies.   Every post offered here is for you -- new or seasoned! When you're learning, there's a tendency to be mesmorized by your learning process without actually taking the concrete steps that move you into profit.  This has more to do with how we were programmed as children so take the old programming in stride. The purpose of the funnel system is to get you moving so you can generate early profits.   This is the fu
Welcome Fellow WA Buddies... Guys & Gals! I'll let you in on a little secret of mine I've been quietly holding onto the past year. For those of you who have been watching my blog posts, I actually connect you indirectly to a powerful marketing group.  I share resources this group implements, tests, proves, and either keeps or not.  Stay at WA!  It is powerful and more is coming your way.  The posts I form will supplement and enhance your learning here. Whenever I share a
Oct. 8, 2010 Friday From The Desk Of:  bkb2012 Welcome WA Buddies! New folks -- I'd like to take a moment to say welcome, in the event I missed you for any reason!  I try to respond to everyone, but ometimes I miss new comments appearing on prior blogs.  Well wishes always remain.  To ease any pressures you might be feeling about your success, we'll just point to your CEO mind at work.  This part of you would have you work 24/7, 10 days a week...,but no human can do tha
Guys and Gals (WA Buddies)! Hey there.  I'd like to share insights that helped me get my start with active publishing. The deal is that when you're new, it's a chicken or the egg scenario. So you've heard to death the need to zero in on keywords before you can write your first article..., but... you can't even do that until you figure out what the content will directly be.  It's enough to make you turn permanently evil ! Don't worry.  There is an intuitive s
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October 05, 2010
Hello WA Buddies! I got this UTube video from another buddy... who got it from someone else...who got it from someone else,  and so on.  It's a great example of viral marketing.  Click either blue link offered below: Oasis - Masterplan Words falter when music communicates everything.  Don't give up.  Stay focused..., keep digesting.  More will come together and stay tuned for additional WA Blog & Funnel System content.   If you're not in the ppc or article
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Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies! Today's post does one painful lesson new Internet marketers learn -- forgetting to check all links before sending traffic to those links. * Check all links inside of free reports * Check links on landing pages * Check links on product pages to make sure people can contact you by case they can't get a download. WA Blog If you've hit snags, post your comments and I'll form a general group consensus.  I can contact Kyle & Carson to expedite link
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Hello WA Buddies! This post is slightly out of order but it fits into any day of the 30-Day Article Marketing Club as we apply it to the Live Blog & Funnel update. I share these posts to reaffirm with you that you already have the answers inside of you.  You are adequate for all situations already...!   The 30-Day WA Article Club covers many powerful bases, but today's post is more about mindset mastery: 1) I'm here to say...on behalf of Marcus's request that no matter how slow yo