Posts by Mission0ps 20
Back in the day Squidoo was every affiliate's best buddy, backlinks galore could be had and No subject was taboo.Then squidoo started to become a bit picky and many backed away and sought the refuge of hubpages and weebly. Some die hard squidoo fans still added the odd lens now and again and whilst they did they started to play around with new tactics for using squidoo... Nothing too "Black"A year or so went by and almost in a startle I considered doing something that I never considered befo
I decided to do an extended version of Easy Wordpress SEO as it's pretty obvious that folks need super duper reading glasses to see the image detail. my bad!  So being ever up for a challenge I've decided to show the SEO I use in building a brand new wordpress site. I've added the steps that I have taken thus far, and we're at the creating some content  stage...   Yes it's true anyone can do what I'm doing .. (nail it with wordpress SEO) I'
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It's been a busy old day at work for me for sure, just about to wrap up for the day and looking at the clock 03:52am it's about time too. For some strange reason I don' even feel that tired! Anyway's I was just adding a little more to part 2 of easy Wordpress SEO , (look out for that in a few days. Bigger and better) and I noticed that I had a notification on there so I popped in and had a peek and it was from a member called Praise. I wan't happy... I wasn't happy
I've never heard so much fuss in one forum about grammar. Some geezer blogged about his" fist full of cash" and nowhere to spend it, because the websites weren't up to scratch, I supposed he ended up down the high street then! I've had it with having to correct my grammar :p it may be important to you, but it's the overall message that I reading. I suppose it's got something to do with the fact that I wouldn't know good grammar if it smacked me in the f
It seems like anything is possible when you realise for the first time that making money and nailing it online is with your reach doesn't it?  I remember back at the start of this great journey I've been on. Shouting from the roof tops "well actually it was from under the covers of my bed" that I'd earned my first $500+ within the first 8 weeks of going through the wealthy affiliate training program.. I just couldn't stop grinning (that link is to the WA
April 04, 2012
Well I see a brand new face to Wealthy Affiliate has arrived and with it I'm starting a brand new blog. I'll be sharing what I'm doing right now that helps me in "nailing it online" at the time of posting. So you know it's gong to be fresh, not hypee & nothing to yet!   I work mainly with Wordpress,.. So it's going to be SEO and optimisation online as well as off-line, Content Syndication and such. I'll probably end up&nb
October 25, 2010
Hi folks, Just a quick note for anyone who is actively promoting WAU. I have a 18 Wealthy Affiliate articles that I am going to sell, These are NOT PLR and most of them are not even to be found anywhere on the net. The ones that are live have just been posted on my blog or submitted to EZA or Buzzle so the options for submitting to other major directories, or adding content to your own wealthy affiliate blog are still open. I will sell all 18 as a pack to just 20 buyers and the price is $90 pe
August 11, 2010
I went to the Caribbean for 6 weeks for a holiday with the family and whilst there I logged onto a local internet cafe network and did a little work, I wish I hadn't as the network had a key-logger virus and logged my FTP info -   That resulted in some goon from China deleting 61 of my websites :( I even had a site ranked on the first page of yahoo for the term  "Affiliate Marketing Training" So I am starting again from the bottom up ... such is life eh :( Stay safe and make
June 21, 2010
Getting your MOJO back. If you had to start making a living from scratch and all you had was a laptop and an internet connection what would you do Which on-line affiliate venture would you go for?:... I never thought that I would be getting a chance to wipe the slate and see what can be done with a new start to affiliate ventures... It's not like I intended to wipe the slate clean, a key logger caused a knock on of a few things that looks like I have lost all domains,  So its a few days
Yush it's been too long, and so much has happened, Finally I know that I can do what I set out to do,  Question is will I do it quick enough? but older and wiser I have a little more patience now. Time waits for no man but we can't shift time so I'll just keep plugging away 1 day at a time.   Moved to Sweden last week... long story and even a longer week. I found a great friend (even though long distance) in kevin Far that guy  goes above and beyond... Not to mention J.K Sw
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