Posts by Bkb2012 143
Hello WA Buddies! Greeting to new folks.  Please read yesterday's Sept. 7th post titled, "1Major Tip Improving WA Site Use".    It will prevent you from going bonkers! Plagued With FTP Problems On WA Blogs? Plagued With FTP Problems On WA Blogs?  Old Mizer bugged Kyle and Carson to get the real skinny and this is what Kyle has recommended. For Those Working WordPress Express, are you thinking that you've dreamed up nothing but trouble for yourself?  It'
Leading People to 1st and Repeat Sales Welcome WA Buddies! Let's tackle a big challenge. When people come online, they are naturally in need of revenue. Here's what has to happen before you get to your 1st sale.  I cite 2 ways: 1)  Most of us luck out during our first few sales.  We are able to find someone who has a pressing need and then they'll buy.  But.., that's not how it is online. 2)  What we quickly find out is this reality -- People don't buy from you until
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September 07, 2010
Welcome Back WA Buddies! Hello New Buddies!  Ok.  I'm seeing folks kinda slow with profile and blog posts.  That's okay..., just keep looking at folks who have their blogs going strong.  This is how it works online! If you don't have any sites, you can pick up what others are already doing here to help. I have been sharing this tip with so many buddies so I'll just let you in on the skinny. Tip #1 -- Improving WA Site Use Bookmark everything you find helpful. Sounds basic. W
Hi Guys and Gals! Welcome to new WA Buddies joining our Inner Circle!  Please reach out to me or other buddies you prefer.  Your success is initially dependent on getting plenty of support. It Doesn't Matter What You Market Today's post is designed to put heavy ammo in your marketing guns before you open fire on your campaigns,and you're getting a black belt workout in marketing.   Let's cover some mythology before I show you how to choose a solid affiliate ma
Hello WA Buddies! I am about to share an exercise with you that you will want to remember, but before I do that... First -- I have been missing a few of your comments so bear with me.  I'm working through the list. Second -- Regarding the WA Blog & Funnel, please NOTE:  If you see content inside of WA guides, sometimes it's there and sometimes it's not there .If you are having FTP problems, content in this program is being developed and servers are being added to reduce overloa
Hello WA Buddies! Here's how I brainstorm thousands of keywords leading to something that will have very little competition while targeting those most ready to buy. Think in terms of the pains you've faced.  Write those down.  Now think in terms of what others might face in IM and write those down.  You don't always know what these problems will be ahead of go with what you know best. As you brainstorm pains and frustrations of Internet marketer, when someon
Hey WA Buddies! If you've read my tutorial on Blogging for $$'s, there is never any intention to mislead you on any marketing plan.  I must append the earlier post, Blogging for $$'s by adding a most recent FTP update. Please check the recommended company links found inside of my tutorial and post..., "Blogging for $$'s, 5 Key Secrets" to read policies of those companies.  Make certain they pay out.  Some may not if you form a product review but the customer only clicks
Welcome Back WA Buddies, How $$ Appears Online, Working Your WA Blog & Funnel First -- Howdy to new WA Buddies!   I do read and respond to your comments so if I miss anyone, comments are incoming from different places here at WA For people new to WA, you've probably wondered what the blog & funnel system are.  It's a turnkey system designed to prevent you from pulling your hair out. I recommend you consider using this system because many of my blog posts (but not all) ar
Hi Guys! I promised these results today on yesterday's post.  Every effort is made to be as accurate as possible. Because there are many steps in Internet marketing, sometimes we miss an obvious step so bear with me. Putting A Pay Pal Pay Button On A Blog 1)  If you don't yet have a blog or a blog, you can get one for FREE. 2)  Run a search at WordPress for a blog template you like most.  Do the same at blogger.  Then pick your account.  Wo
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Welcome Fellow WA Buddies! Today's post talks about an open flow of communication that's more than 1 way.  One of the reasons why corporate America has hit the "skids" is because they've long held what are called power bases residing at the top of their organizational structures.  So they don't openly share the flow of information. Let me tell you that it's time that all changed.  I'm not talking about conspiracy theories, but I am suggesting that people just get used to
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