Posts by Bkb2012 143
Welcome Fellow WA Buddies! From time-to-time, I offer LIVE updates telling you what types of issues you'll encounter as you set up your WA Funnel & Blog System. Today's encounter was a real doozey. Two hours later, I solved the problem but here's what happened. As soon as my main URL site went live, I found someone illegally using my web host account.  It's called piggybacking but the external site link can hog your (paid) bandwidth if the problem grows before you detect it. You find o
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Welcome Fellow WA Buddies! Offering 2 quick notes:  1) WA Blog & Funnel System Report 2) Duplicate Content -- What It Really Means To You I have resources checked on the duplicate content tutorial. All  examples are complete and specific solutions are in place.  I am now transferring content over to the tutorial for you.  HINT: I'm showing you the actual steps I use to write and publish tutorial content.  You want to do this to tap into the natural traffic at WA!&
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Hello Fellow WA Buddies! First -- I'd like to offer a warm welcome to new buddies!  They are joining us daily.  In this post, I offer several ideas so please be patient.  They are not listed by order, but they all work together. Second -- Please feel free to go through my network to add anyone you wish.  If you prefer using the WA forum or home base, you can easily add buddies to your profile by clicking on their images, but be certain to add them as buddies. Also, be certain
Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies! Before our 4th of July holiday hits, I promised to deliver you this post talking about what redirects are, explaining how they work. SEO experts (search engine optimization folks) talk about redirects in 2 ways: 1)  URL rewrites 2)  301 redirects Most Internet marketers talk about them but do they truly understand how they work? Simple Explanation Rewriting a URL means that the URL displayed in the browser changes so that it's more SEO friendly..., but
Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies! Today's post expands on that cumbersome topic HANDLING DOMAINS.  It can be one a nit-pick topic that slows you down.  It can feel like a "little brick wall" that prevents new marketers from "just doing". Whenever you're dealing with a domain and you're stumped, I recommend you head straight to customer support with your domain host. They can usually tell you where to point, click and enter 2 little lines of code of less in a few minut
Welcome WA Buddies! Here's some content I promised a few days ago.  Because the topic of domain management can be confusing, I will separate blog posts into: domain masking, domain forwarding, disappearing domains, and shortening a URL (which could be a domain).  Each choice has more to do with what you're trying to accomplish. Most newbies will start out by shortening a URL. In that case, you don't want people to read a terrible-looking URL so you use tiny url.&n
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Hello, Hello WA Buddies! Offering three points -- 1) may you be happy and diligent today! ..., 2) I've hit another brick wall with the WA blog & funnel system...but I'm working on that end to bring you LIVE updates...., and 3) today's post covers marketing in successful directions.  I promised to deliver the differences between masking a domain and shortening affiliate links so they display properly.  That content is forthcoming because it's tied into your personal security as a su
June 24, 2010
Hey There Fellow WA Buddies! Before I start this post, let's cover a few things: 1) Just wanted to welcome "NEW BUDDIES"!  It's always thrilling to meet new people.  If there's anything  I might say to you, it would be that same, repetitious theme -- please.., don't give up.  A lot of people are here for you, and you're very needed online! There's plenty of room in the fishing pond. 2)  I'm doing something I rarely ever do while working --snickering -- I'm lis
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Hi There Fellow WA Buddies! May this day find you well. What are the Top 3 benefits of using Word Press Express? 1) It gets you out there "doing"..., 2) Doing leads to yet more action, 3) You begin building your list by offering the free reports included in the system.  I thought it might be a good idea to give you a real time update.  The blog is changing quickly.  That's what I see. This is good news for you is --  you'll be up and running within a short time.
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Welcome Fellow WA Buddies! Here's a LIVE update.  You guys and gals are like the people residing in my inner marketing circle -- so you get the beef before others do.  Kyle and Carson did not ask me to write this post.  I'm doing it for you because it's a huge time-saver and it can move you forward faster than "white-knuckling" your marketing from scratch. The Why's, What-For's and How To's of The WA Turnkey System What It Is It is -- * A quick and easy way to get someth
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