Posts by Deezdz 18
Happy Friday Everyone! I recently read there's a way you can keep the images on your website from appearing in Google Images search results. I may have read it here at WA but can't find the info when I search... My QOTD is a double whammy ~ a) is there anyway of KNOWING if google has 'picked-up' and is 'showing' a specific image from my site? b) how can I PREVENT an image from showing in the serps?Thanks for reading and sharing :)DeeOh...also Thomas sparked an idea whe
As I work online creating my IM business, everyday I have many questions, concerns and doubts of whether I'm doing "it" correctly.After reading Beverley's post "Advice for Newbies – Ask questions", I realized I haven't been asking any questions at all. Since WA has made it's changes, and the forum is not active, I admit, I've been apprehensive to post my questions front and centre for everyone to view.Will my questions sound stupid?Will I phrase something incorrectly?Wi
I rarely watch tv.  Any spare time I have, I'm usually glued to my computer screen (learning/working) or I have my face in a book - the good ol' fashion kind with pages made of real paper. ;)  I've read 100's of biographies, self-help, motivational, inspirational, law-of-attraction, business books etc.  A common theme I come across over and over again is - Anyone who has created financial success is financially successful because they LOVE what they do! &
April 19, 2012
Hello everyone! Just checked my Clickbank account and have made $114 over the last 2 days.... I'm so happy...just wanted to share my news with everyone in hopes is will encourage others to keep plugging away. Have a great day! Denise
April 17, 2012
Yesterday I attended Oprah's Life Class at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre featuring Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Iyanla Vanzant and Bishop T.D. Jakes. I know many of you 'testosterone driven males' will roll your eyeballs at the mere mention of Oprah =) Before you hit the "back" button... the theme of the show was GRATITUDE, which as Tony Robbins pointed out, can really make or break your business. How can you invite anything new into your life if you're no
January 27, 2012
Hi there... This past week I've increased my article writing by about 33%!   In doing so, I've posted a few more articles to the directories. I take the keyword I want to use, go to google under videos and type it in.  I then search for videos that have valuable information and once I find one, open my notepad. As I'm listening, I type shorthand notes into my notepad. When the videos finished, I start assemblying all the point-forms into my own words and
January 06, 2012
Hello everyone..what a beautiful day! Yesterday I was so excited ... earned my first CB sale of 2012!   I've been a member here for about 36 days and this was my  first sale using all the methods taught here at WA. I posted in the forum - short and sweet. Many of you responded back with your warm encouragement and congratulations...thank-you! Raj responded back saying  -  it may be helpful to other newbies to share the methods I used to generate this
December 22, 2011
Hi Everyone! first blog post... :) Today I was feeling discouraged with my IM efforts and even cried the blues to Kyle and Dean this morning in live chat ...thanks for your reassurance guys! This evening I came upon this interview with Tony Robbins, Frank Kerns and John Reese...the Holy Grail Of IM Mindset.  In my opinion, learning the technical aspects of marketing online is important, but more importantly is believing these aspects will produce results.  How many